Monday, February 15, 2010

The heat is on...

Its not just in SL that things are hotting up, Burkina is making the transition to the hot season - this fortunately is a natural event...

It's starting warm up, nights are in the low thirties, dropping into the high 20's towards dawn..

Boiled eggs with a little pepper and chillies, a popular snack/ meal on the streets of Ouaga

This huge monument Lat: 12°18'43.43"N Lon: 1°30'9.31"W) built to celebrate heroes . It lies in the new 'Ouaga 2000' development, the newly created enclave for the elite - including the Presidential Palace ( Lat" 12°17'26.28"N Lon: 1°30'9.84"W). Its an impressive structure, but saddening that when so many people live on a mere $ a day, there is money enough to spend on things like this.

One of Burkina's secrets, available for just a few weeks in January and February. At Rs 360 a kilo, you can imagine that I'm eating a lot of them these days!!


  1. Whoa, you get strawberries there? In the middle of the Sahara? :O

    "saddening that when so many people live on a mere $ a day, there is money enough to spend on things like this." - happens a lot everywhere, doesn't it? :(

  2. Just a few more degrees..and boiling eggs won't be needed then..:)

  3. @ Chavie: Not quite the middle of the Sahara, but it is amazing that they grow here at all!

    @ Kirigalpottha: LOL - wait till April - I expect to see 49+!

    @ Dee: Ummm indeed!!!

    @ Gadgetgirl: They taste just as good as the look!
