Saturday, August 30, 2008

30th August 2008

Eight days into this trip and I am back in Ouagadougou (Wa-ga-doo-goo) after a two day trip to Niamey, Niger.

Traveling by road can be pleasant and not so pleasant depending on how things pan out. Border crossings can be fun too and I do enjoy crossing these borders. The two I don't look forward to are entering Mali and Guinea Conakry.

The trip to Niger was a good one, my meetings went off well. The stretched into another day that I had not planned for, but the stay was worth it given the end results.

Come Monday I need to get a visa for Mali and then plan to leave Wednesday


  1. sounds like the good life. all this gadding about africa, meeting clients and securing deals reminds me of the lord of war ;)

  2. Ye gods, nothing so fascinating I assure thee PP! Most of my time I spend tramping in the African equivalent of the Manning Market during the height of the South West Monsoon!
